Tag: Sightseeing

Where Business is a Pleasure

When you think of heading out to do some serious sightseeing in America, we often associate that with vacation times. And to be sure, those times are especially fun because you can be with family and friends and take in the heart stopping sights that are so unique to our great country.

But for many of us, traveling on business can be as much a part of our travel life as family vacation time is. Of course, on a business trip you have to be focused on the purpose of the business trip itself. But if your business takes you to some of the truly great parts of our country, its allowable for you to use that time you are serving your business well to enjoy the glory that God has put around us all over this great land.

Airplanes can provide some of the most spectacular ways to take in sights from the vantage point of the air. If you are flying over one of the spectacular mountain ranges of this country, you can gaze down and daydream about the pioneers who crossed those mountains to explore the country and spread its scope from coast to coast. If your imagination is active that day, you may speculate on where those roads down there lead and on how it would be to live in one of those remote towns you see scattered in the majestic but rustic mountain locations.

But the mountains are not the only sights of this country that can take your breath away when you fly over head. The sights of Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, of the shoreline of Chicago, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Atlantic Ocean off of Cape Cod, to name just a few, are even more stunning when seen from the air. You wont be able to see such things on every flight, but when they become visible, dont forget to close the laptop for a minute and take in these rare treats when they present themselves.

But the opportunities to catch a moment to take in a great sightseeing treat while on a business trip do not end when the plane lands. Many times conferences and big meetings are scheduled in some of the great cities of our country. So dont just hang around the hotel after the job is done. If you dont have business activities in the evening a cab ride through the city hitting the big attractions can be most enjoyable. Many cities have sights worth seeing that you never have to get out of your vehicle to enjoy. But taking some time to get out and walk in a memorial park, go to the best museum in town or take in the atmosphere in one of the ethnic neighborhoods can take a routine business trip and make it truly memorable.

You might also consider extending your stay in a particularly interesting part of the city or state you are going to go on business to give yourself the chance to get out and really jump into the local color or to give a great attraction or sight the time it deserves to really enjoy it. If you can afford to give yourself a whole Saturday just for sightseeing, you will come home from that business trip with an enhanced sense of accomplishment because you not only accomplished the goals of the trip, you enriched your life seeing one of the great and maybe spectacular sights that makes our country so unique.
