Tag: Fairy Tale Wedding

Vegas Weddings for all Tastes

Vegas is almost as famous for weddings as it is for some of its more questionable roots and activities. In fact there are wedding chapels on almost every corner and in almost every major casino on the strip and beyond. There are themed weddings, elegant weddings, simple weddings, alien weddings, and all kinds of weddings in between. Other than gambling, it seems that Vegas knows the most about weddings.

If you’re planning a wedding, thinking about a wedding, or simply want to avoid a wedding and would like to run away and get married, might I suggest one of the many wedding chapels in Vegas? It takes all kinds of people to put together a fairy tale wedding however it can be done in Vegas in a matter of minutes. There are even wedding chapels in Vegas that will rent you costumes in which to get married. There are also those that rent the dresses and tuxedos for the more traditionally minded among you.

There are all kinds of wedding packages that can be ordered from the plain Jane and simple Sue wedding packages that offer no frills and no fun to those with more bells and whistles than you can shake a stick at. Where I come from there are plenty of sticks to be shaken. From professional photography to full service spa packages before the wedding for the bride and the bridal party there are all kinds of luxurious wedding touches available to those that are willing to pay for the service offered.

Vegas is probably the only city in the world that has professionals dedicated to throwing bachelor and bachelorette parties for brides and grooms to be. It really does beat all you’ve ever seen and more than most have ever dreamed of. While many people had dreams of fairy tale weddings and mom and dad paying for it, there are just as many who have had romantic dreams of getting married in Vegas since the very first time they heard it mentioned in movies or on TV. There are those that want Elvis impersonators singing as they share vows and others that want him to officiate the services. With so many tastes and wedding wishes, Las Vegas has come through with shining colors as far as making dream weddings possible for all those who enter.

It would seem that in Vegas, no wedding request (as long as it is legal) is out of the question. From the simply elegant to the outrageously campy there are chapels of love for all persuasions from pink fuzzy carpet and candles to outrageous dungeon looking rooms and all kinds in between weddings have been performed for many different walks of life and to confirm commitments for all manner of people and relationships from many countries around the world. Vegas is one of the easiest cities in the world in which to get married and all kinds of people take advantage of that fact for a quickie wedding. The one rule is that all parties must be of legal age and must be consenting. Consent is quite recognizable on your wedding day in most cases.

If you’re planning a Vegas wedding, you are not alone and I wish you the absolute best of luck as you begin your new lives in this infinitely fascinating city of many dreams.


Wedding Theme Ideas: Deciding a Wedding Theme

No matter where you are in the country, you will all agree that wedding is both an exciting and stressful event to plan. But there is a way to undo this belief: decide a wedding theme. This can certainly increase the excitement and lessen the stress since the theme will define everything you need for your wedding from dresses to the accessories; from cakes to the foods; and from invitation to location.

So how should you decide what wedding theme to choose?

Consider your personalities and interest. This is the best way to pull out a theme out of nothing. If you both love the sea, then consider a beach theme wedding.

If you both come from the West, then a Western and Country wedding theme will suit both of you.

If you have different cultural orientation, then why not pick one traditional wedding ceremony?

If one of you is from the military, then a military wedding would be impressive.

Or, if the bride likes fairy tales, then why not consider a fairy tale wedding. This will certainly give another meaning to the word “happily ever after”, right?

Wedding themes that are based on your favorite movie could be another idea you can consider.

NASCAR wedding theme can be a good choice too.

The fact is, there could be thousands of different wedding themes you can choose from. It is up to both of you to decide which one will describe yourselves best.

If you have, for example, made a list of different wedding themes but could not really pin point which to you choose, then consider the time of the wedding. Sometimes, it is good thing know first when to get married then decide which theme is perfect for that season. There are particular wedding themes during spring and summer, so as the winter and fall. If you want a wedding in December, then a Christmas wedding theme could be great. A February wedding is expected to have a Valentine’s Day wedding theme.

The place where you will hold your wedding is also a good start to know which theme to choose. If it is a ranch, then a Country wedding theme is perfect. The beach wedding in Hawaii is of course not as good if you dont adapt the Hawaiian wedding theme. A garden wedding theme will obviously work if hold at the garden. Holding the wedding at the Disney World will automatically be a Disney wedding theme.

A period of history that both of you may want to highlight during your wedding is also a good start when deciding the theme you will use. Some of these are Renaissance wedding theme, Roman wedding theme, and Ancient China wedding theme.

Deciding a wedding theme early is one thing. Preparing for the things that will fit to the theme is another. So after you have decided which wedding theme to choose, your tasks are now on preparing the things needed for the wedding including the decorations, accessories, food, wedding dresses or costumes, invitations, and more. Make sure that everything is based on the theme.

Nonetheless, a defined wedding theme will make the preparation easier since the theme will set the limits of the things needed. The wedding theme will make the preparation into order at the same time, it will give a unique experience to those who will attend the celebration.
