Tag: Glacier National Park

Where to Go When Hiking in Montana

Montana, the name itself resonates the very thing hikers come after for- mountains!

The name of the place is inviting enough and there are lots to witness and experience within its perimeter. Here are some of the best places for hiking in Montana:

Glacier Country
In 1910, the Glacier National Park was formally established amidst the rivers and the mountain ranges that were formed since prehistoric ages. There are around 200 lakes and 50 glaciers plus a couple of waterfalls, great alpine meadows and enchanting deep forests.

Within Glacier Country are some of the best spots that hikers, fly-fishers and mountaineers could enjoy.

Hoskins Lake- Best hiked from May to October, Hoskins Lake is best accessible using a short trail towards the mountains. Children and day hikers would enjoy this short travel which goes only for ten minutes, unless you stay and indulge the sight within you. There are two lakes, one in the higher elevation and the other is in the lower side of the trail. The lower one is more popular for fishing both among locals and travelers.

Fish Lakes Canyon Starting from a magnificent place down to a five-chain lakes, Fish Lakes Canyon boasts of the most diverse and picturesque trails in all Montana. For veteran hikers, Fish Lakes Canyon is only an overnight trip with a few exceptions of those who choose to stay and camp. However, for most hikers the trail takes an average of 12 hours. But, if you choose to see the first series of lake chains alone, it could only take a mere 8 hours of hike.

Peterson Lake- If you want to hike between mid-June up to September, your best site in Montana is the Peterson Lake. It offers a great view of the Sweeney Canyon and a few other mountain peaks and a sprinkle of lakes situated in the mountains.

Lion Creek Pass- For more experienced hikers who want strenuous hike, the Lion Creek Pass prepares the best trail.

Great Northern- This was named after the former railroad, however even the name fits exactly the experience that awaits you. A good off-trail track fit for very experienced hikers who have already acquired the feel of high peaks or wants to see what makes the high peaks attracting to adventurous souls.

Gold West Country
Found between the Glacier country and the Yellowstone National Park, Gold West Country hosts a variety of snow-capped mountains, valley ridges that is made more beautiful by its history.

Trask Lake- If you plan of visiting the Racetrack peak and would also love to experience the serenity and enjoyment of lake fishing, Trask Lake is one of the best places for you.

Grayling Lake Under the shadow of Sharp Mountain are the three famous lakes. Great for moderate hikers, Grayling Lake prepares a twelve-mile pristine hike which is best during July until September.

Lake Louise- One of the prime backpacking trips, Lake Louise offers outstanding opportunities for family recreations and magnificent scenery which makes it a National Recreation Trail.

Yellowstone National Park
Established during the late 1800’s, Yellowstone National Park boasts of scenic views both in the spring and summer for its vibrant colors and snow and ice during winter. It also includes several rivers and alpine lakes plus mud cauldrons and geysers.

Among the most famous hiking spots in Yellowstone National Park are Spanish Peaks and Ramshorn Lake which are also world-famous for fishing trips and gentle backcountry.


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