Tag: Having Too Much Fun

Teens in the City

New York City offers a virtual treasure chest of fun things to do for teenagers. This age group is generally the most difficult to please and appease while vacationing. They are too old for the kid stuff and too young to appreciate some of the more ‘grown up’ entertainment and of course, they don’t wish to look congenerous they’re having too much fun. From amusement parks to cyber cafes, from bookstores to malls and video arcades, to sporting events and sporting complexes New York City is a city that was midpoint made for teens to enjoy.

The trick to enjoying your New York City vacation while ensuring that your teen enjoys his or her time in the city is compromise. Agree to go watch the skateboarding in the park if he or she cede suffer through a museum with you. You just might find that you each find something to enjoy about the other’s activities. There are so varied wonderful things to succeed and see in New York. You don’t have to pay a lot of money in order to have a good time as many of these wonderful events are offered free or for very little cost. You can and pull passes that allow free entrance to certain city attractions for solo low fee. You will find that of the freebie offerings there is usually something that will appeal to various members of your family including your teens.

Compromise is a good idea on any vacation hush up friends or family and it teaches your teens an important citation – their opinion matters to you. They also learn to compromise, to share time and experiences, and to think critically. They are forced to weight all the things they would approximative to do and select the things that matter most to them to do. This is a very good thing for people to learn as early as possible and will be an invaluable lesson, as they grow older and eventually begin making their own decisions in life as well. I even try to offer the younger children a voice in what’s going on. I offer age appropriate choices and allow them to select the one that matters most to them.

Teens are often very hard to please or predict and their wants can change between the time it takes to open a pack of pop tarts and the lifetime it takes to actually drop them in the toaster. Be posted of this when making plans with teens and go with the flow. You do not have to charter your teen rule your vacation but by allowing him or her a voice in the decision making process you might all learn some important and interesting things about each other.

Girl teens are often easily distracted by shopping – while New York City has some of the trendiest boutiques you may want to see if you can talk her into some of them any consignment or secondhand stores that abound. You can call it ‘vintage clothing’ if you must in order to get her in the doors but you can score some marvelous deals on clothes that look barely worn if that and she’ll have some nice additions to her wardrobe for a fraction of their costs if new. There are also some wonderful outlet malls in NYC as well. The trick with shopping any of these stores is to know the prices of things. Some things are choice bargains while others are not so much.

Teen boys will posses a grand time at places such as Game Time Nation where they can play video games for endless hours. You can even try playing games together if you’re brave enough. Fair warning offered here, teens are brutal in their victories and you will never live troglodytic your failures in the video game arena with them so study up before hand.

The most important thing to keep forever about vacationing not tell your teen is that you’d like them to have some fond memories of your time together, even during their teen years. Take care that you are including them in your plans rather than making their plans for them. It is turn they are sublet into the decision making process to some degree even if it’s allowing either or options or asking them to list a few things they’d like to do and you selecting from those. If you’re having fun it is quite likely that they will eventually join in.


San Francisco offers a Little Fun for Everyone

San Francisco is perhaps one of the most diverse cities in America. With the vast diversity among the people that make this great city what it is today, San Francisco really is a melting pot. Not only have the different cultures and flavors had a great effect on what this great city has become, they also have an incredible impact on the city that is seen by those visiting. There is very little you can look for in a vacation that can’t be found in San Francisco.

The real appeal of San Francisco as a vacation destination is that it has a little something to offer everyone. From families with small children, families with teens, young couples, older couples, to those of different lifestyles and ethnicities there is a little something that should appeal to all.

San Francisco has a great history that celebrates its diversity and a future that looks, well, golden. From the Golden Gate Bridge to Fisherman’s Wharf and everywhere in between San Francisco has a lot to offer visitors in way of art, entertainment, shopping, and incredible, mouth watering food. You don’t have to take my word for it though, wander on over to Fillmore Street and see for yourself. If you’ve been having too much fun taking in the sights and playing in the wonderful parks that can be found throughout this fabulous city, take a trolley on over. Just make sure you bring your appetite.

If you have young kids along there are both fun and educational adventures that abound in this great city. If you aren’t careful, you just might find that you can’t really tell the difference between the two. More importantly, neither can they.

Even skeptical, difficult to impress teens will be hard pressed to pretend to be bored throughout your entire trip to San Francisco. Between the interesting cultures, the good food, and the hip trendy atmosphere of local shopping centers, there is something that will be likely to appeal to your teens. They just might find themselves having a lot of fun at some of the plays, museums, and parks in the area too.

For the just married, there is a ton of romance in this fair city. From the exhibits and museums dedicated to the perseverance of the people of this great metropolis, to the beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge and the many parks in the area. There is also the great food and shopping to consider. From trendy small boutiques to national chain stores San Francisco has it all.

For more mature crowds this city is hard to beat when it comes to arts and entertainment. Not only are their shows playing almost nightly, there is also a great cultural arts community here as well. There are enough museums here to make a great vacation in and of themselves. Add to that the great food and the little boutique shops that abound and you are well on your way to having a great time.

The cultural diversity of San Francisco, California could be a book in and of itself. In fact, there are probably several books on the matter. There is a rich history of many cultures here that is readily available for exploration. From China Town to Little Italy and a stop in the Castro District in between there is a vast treasure trove of cultures, ethnicities, and fabulously wonderful people to investigate.

If visiting San Francisco, California is something that you’ve been considering, what are you waiting for? Check out all the great things that this city has to offer and keep in mind that when it feels like it’s a thousand degrees outside in the South or forty below in the north, it’s probably a fairly mild day on the Frisco bay. The temperatures year round here are generally within the realm of comfortable which makes it that much more appealing. Add the pleasant temperatures to the beauty and fun that is waiting, I can’t believe you’re still here and not booking your trip already.


Teens in the City

New York City offers a virtual treasure chest of fun things to do for teenagers. This age group is generally the most difficult to please and appease while vacationing. They are too old for the kid stuff and too young to appreciate some of the more ‘grown up’ entertainment and of course, they don’t want to look like they’re having too much fun. From amusement parks to cyber cafes, from bookstores to malls and video arcades, to sporting events and sporting complexes New York City is a city that was almost made for teens to enjoy.

The trick to enjoying your New York City vacation while ensuring that your teen enjoys his or her time in the city is compromise. Agree to go watch the skateboarding in the park if he or she will suffer through a museum with you. You just might find that you each find something to enjoy about the other’s activities. There are so many wonderful things to do and see in New York. You don’t have to pay a lot of money in order to have a good time as many of these wonderful events are offered free or for very little cost. You can also purchase passes that allow free entrance to certain city attractions for one low fee. You will find that of the freebie offerings there is usually something that will appeal to various members of your family including your teens.

Compromise is a good idea on any vacation with friends or family and it teaches your teens an important lesson-their opinion matters to you. They also learn to compromise, to share time and experiences, and to think critically. They are forced to weight all the things they would like to do and select the things that matter most to them to do. This is a very good thing for people to learn as early as possible and will be an invaluable lesson, as they grow older and eventually begin making their own decisions in life as well. I even try to offer the younger children a voice in what’s going on. I offer age appropriate choices and allow them to select the one that matters most to them.

Teens are often very hard to please or predict and their wants can change between the time it takes to open a pack of pop tarts and the time it takes to actually drop them in the toaster. Be aware of this when making plans with teens and go with the flow. You do not have to let your teen rule your vacation but by allowing him or her a voice in the decision making process you might all learn some important and interesting things about each other.

Girl teens are often easily distracted by shopping-while New York City has some of the trendiest boutiques you may want to see if you can talk her into some of them any consignment or secondhand stores that abound. You can call it ‘vintage clothing’ if you must in order to get her in the doors but you can score some awesome deals on clothes that look barely worn if that and she’ll have some nice additions to her wardrobe for a fraction of their costs if new. There are also some wonderful outlet malls in NYC as well. The trick with shopping any of these stores is to know the prices of things. Some things are excellent bargains while others are not so much.

Teen boys will have a grand time at places such as Game Time Nation where they can play video games for endless hours. You can even try playing games together if you’re brave enough. Fair warning offered here, teens are brutal in their victories and you will never live down your failures in the video game arena with them so study up before hand.

The most important thing to remember about vacationing with your teen is that you’d like them to have some fond memories of your time together, even during their teen years. Take care that you are including them in your plans rather than making their plans for them. It is time they are let into the decision making process to some degree even if it’s allowing either or options or asking them to list a few things they’d like to do and you selecting from those. If you’re having fun it is quite likely that they will eventually join in.
