Tag: Accidents

Packing for Holiday Travel

We have all seen those people with tons of luggage arriving at the airport or traveling on the highway with their car crammed so full of items that they passengers have very little room to breath. There are ways to pack light for the holidays but to also ensure you have everything you need. This will definitely make your holiday travel plans much more enjoyable.

To help ensure you dont forget anything important, make yourself a list of items you cant leave behind. Keep the list handy so you can add to it as you think of something else. Make sure you check the weather forecast in the days right before you pack. This way you can be sure to have outfits and shoes that are going to work well for both the occasions and the weather. You dont want to be stuck in the snow with nothing but high heels to wear for the evening.

Avoid packing clothing for holiday travel that can get ruined or stained if something gets spilled. You dont want to be self conscious about the drink you spilled on it. If you are attending parties then it is very possible someone else can bump into you. Be prepared for such accidents to take place and try not to let them ruin your fun when you travel for the holidays.

If you will be staying in a hotel, chances are they will have plenty of items you need that you can eliminate from your luggage. Contact the hotel directly or check out their website to be sure. Common items found that you can leave behind include soap, shampoo, conditioner, location, a blow dryer, and an iron.

If you do have to pack liquid items, try to use trail sizes or to buy small containers to fill from larger bottles. Make sure these items are placed in a make up bag or a freezer bag. This way if they happen to leak they wont get on your clothing.

Take a close look at the makeup and perfume you use. It is very possible that you can get by with packing only one kind of perfume and make up colors that offer you plenty of selection. This is more effective than packing your entire make up collection and then deciding what you will use once you arrive. You also want to leave expensive jewelry behind because you dont want it to get lost or stolen. If you arent able to wear it when you travel then it is best not to take it at all.

You will be amazed at how much room is lost in a suitcase due to not taking the time to fold up items properly. You have to get creative if you want to maximize the amount of space you have. It is easy to place socks and underwear into your shoes so they wont take up any space at all.

Take the time to fold pants and shirts neatly into the suitcase so you can fit more of them in. You dont want to have your bags so full you have to sit on them to close them. This damages the zippers and it will result in you having to replace your luggage sooner than you should. If your luggage is chosen for inspection during your holiday travel it wont be such a chore for the inspectors if you have taken your time to pack wisely.


Word Count 578


Tips for Staying Alert during Holiday Travel

Traveling during the holidays is very exciting and there is plenty going on all around you. However, it is very important that you remain alert so you wont be involved in an accident or become a victim of theft. There are plenty of criminals that target holiday travelers as they know they are likely to have money on them and they arent always paying attention to their surroundings.

Accidents can take place anywhere during holiday travel so you need to be prepared for the unexpected. Never speed when you are driving and make sure you have your seat belt on. Allow at least one car length between you and the person in front of you. Should they have to brake quickly you dont want to rear end them or end up being hit by the vehicle behind you.

Pay close attention for animals crossing the road as they can be a hazard. Even though you dont want to hit them, slamming on your brakes or swerving can result in an accident. If you do have to swerve always go to the right so you will be off the road instead of into oncoming traffic.

There will be people along the side of the road that have been involved in accidents or their vehicles have broken down. If you decide to stop and help them be very careful of the traffic that is coming along. If you decide to keep going you should switch lanes if possible or at least move over as far as possible. You dont want to accidentally hit someone that is walking around on the road.

While it is human nature to be compassionate and to attempt to help others you need to be careful. Scams often occur during holiday travel and you may encounter people asking for money or a ride. Trust your instincts and if you dont feel comfortable with the circumstances you need to leave. You can always use your cell phone to call the local authorities to give them a hand.

Never drive when you are too tired to focus your attention on the road. Too many people traveling for the holidays havent gotten sufficient rest along the way. Dont kid yourself into thinking that a soda or several cups of coffee are going to keep you awake. Driving while you are tired increases your chances of making mistakes and also prolongs your reaction times.

Whether you are driving yourself or taking another method of transportation, you need to keep a close eye on your items. Dont fall victim to having your luggage, purse, or wallet stolen by someone because you left it unattended. Men should keep their wallet in their front pocket and women should keep their purses over their head across the shoulder and to the opposite arm.

If you are traveling with a spouse or other adult it is a good idea for each of you to carry some money and a credit card with you. This way if someone does get your materials you wont be completely without access to other forms of payment you may need. It is also a good idea for each of you to carry a copy of the itinerary with confirmation numbers. This way you are likely to have one copy if the other gets lost. It is also helpful if you get separated in a crowded airport.

Traveling during the holidays can be fun and a great way to get away from your daily routine. Follow these tips to help keep yourself alert so you can have the very best time possible. Most accidents are the result of people being tired or being in too much of a hurry so get enough rest and take your time to arrive safely. Always pay close attention to your personal belongings and report any suspicious behaviors you may encounter.


Word Count 650


Traveling Safe for Business

One of thing that you notice when you travel with a seasoned business traveler is that they have habits worked out after dozens of business trips to make sure they dont have trouble on the road. Learning to be safe in this world has to become second nature for all of us. When you learn to drive a car, its second nature to buckle your seat belt and check your blind spot when you change lanes. But early in your life as a driver, you learned the need for those precautions, sometimes the hard way.

We dont want to learn the rules of traveling safe on business trips the hard way. When you are on the road for business, you are just as susceptible to danger or accidents as any tourist. The difference is that as you have become professional at traveling to accomplish your business goals. And those safety measures that you have to focus on at first become second nature. Lets look at some key safety precautions that must become part of that discipline of travel.

Avoiding crowds goes a long way toward taking you out of situations where thieves might lurk. Not only that, it makes life on the road so much easier. Check in lines may be one of the most frustrating rituals we have to go through as we travel. And it is a place where thieves can case you because you have your luggage there, you often open your briefcase or purse and take out your wallet to show id.

So too avoid the check in line entirely, use your computer at home to log in and check the status of the flight so you dont have to go to the airport too soon if it is delayed. On your home computer, you can move your seat if possible and you can print your boarding pass and other important check in documents. By getting all of this done at home, you can skip the check in line entirely and proceed directly to the gate. Your homemade boarding pass will get you through security.

If you have baggage, dont overlook the convenience of street side check in. There you can check your bags quickly. Show your boarding pass and your bags are safe as you head off happily to find the coffee shop to relax before your flight.

In addition to getting away from crowd situations at the airport, think about securing your financial information before you even go to the airport. For one thing, you many of the cards and documents in your wallet do not need to go on the trip. You dont need your ATM card, your library card or your social security card. You only need one credit card and your drivers license. So go through your wallet and cut down on what you are taking on the road. It helps you travel lighter and safer.

But dont stop there. In addition to removing cards at home so they cannot get stolen, also remove valuables from where thieves would expect to see it. Put most of your cash and credit cards in your checked baggage or on a money belt under your clothing. You can still carry a wallet but it will only have enough cash for the day of travel and no additional documentation. If you needed your drivers license or credit card for check in, go to the bathroom and tuck them away.

Along with these precautions, stay in a state of awareness about your personal effects as you travel. Watch your purse or briefcase and keep your head up at the terminal so if you see suspicious behavior, you can stay away from it. By keeping your own safety at a high priority, traveling safe will become second nature.

