Tag: Luggage

Packing for Holiday Travel

We have all seen those people with tons of luggage arriving at the airport or traveling on the highway with their car crammed so full of items that they passengers have very little room to breath. There are ways to pack light for the holidays but to also ensure you have everything you need. This will definitely make your holiday travel plans much more enjoyable.

To help ensure you dont forget anything important, make yourself a list of items you cant leave behind. Keep the list handy so you can add to it as you think of something else. Make sure you check the weather forecast in the days right before you pack. This way you can be sure to have outfits and shoes that are going to work well for both the occasions and the weather. You dont want to be stuck in the snow with nothing but high heels to wear for the evening.

Avoid packing clothing for holiday travel that can get ruined or stained if something gets spilled. You dont want to be self conscious about the drink you spilled on it. If you are attending parties then it is very possible someone else can bump into you. Be prepared for such accidents to take place and try not to let them ruin your fun when you travel for the holidays.

If you will be staying in a hotel, chances are they will have plenty of items you need that you can eliminate from your luggage. Contact the hotel directly or check out their website to be sure. Common items found that you can leave behind include soap, shampoo, conditioner, location, a blow dryer, and an iron.

If you do have to pack liquid items, try to use trail sizes or to buy small containers to fill from larger bottles. Make sure these items are placed in a make up bag or a freezer bag. This way if they happen to leak they wont get on your clothing.

Take a close look at the makeup and perfume you use. It is very possible that you can get by with packing only one kind of perfume and make up colors that offer you plenty of selection. This is more effective than packing your entire make up collection and then deciding what you will use once you arrive. You also want to leave expensive jewelry behind because you dont want it to get lost or stolen. If you arent able to wear it when you travel then it is best not to take it at all.

You will be amazed at how much room is lost in a suitcase due to not taking the time to fold up items properly. You have to get creative if you want to maximize the amount of space you have. It is easy to place socks and underwear into your shoes so they wont take up any space at all.

Take the time to fold pants and shirts neatly into the suitcase so you can fit more of them in. You dont want to have your bags so full you have to sit on them to close them. This damages the zippers and it will result in you having to replace your luggage sooner than you should. If your luggage is chosen for inspection during your holiday travel it wont be such a chore for the inspectors if you have taken your time to pack wisely.


Word Count 578


Ways to make Holiday Travel Easier for the Elderly

The elderly may find it more stressful to travel over the holidays because they arent used to all the traffic or all the crowds. There are ways to make it is much easier trip though if you plan ahead. Many elderly people take daily medications so make sure you have plenty of it. Put it in a safe place where it isnt likely to get lost. If you have extra pills you will want to pack them separately. If you have some in your purse and some in your luggage you are fine if one of them gets lost.

If you are flying make sure you have a note from the doctor to identify what the medications are. You will have to show them to security and you can keep the lines moving if you have the right documentation with you. Holiday travel is very busy but dont think for a second that security is going to let their guard down and just let you pass through with it.

Dont attempt to carry heavy bags around the airport. This can result in you getting hurt. If the airline you are traveling with offers a kiosk outside drive up to it and then go park your car. It is also a good idea to invest in luggage that has wheels on the bottom. This way you can pull them along instead of having to carry them any distance. Most head, back, and neck injuries occur around the holidays due to carrying heavy luggage.

If you use a walker or wheelchair make sure you contact the airline in advance. They are more than willing to accommodate such needs. Since the airport is so busy during the holidays though you need to let them know in advance. This way they can be sure to have staff available to assist you.

You may want to arrive at the airport an hour earlier than specified if you need special assistance. During the holiday season you will find the airport to be very crowded and this can result in it taking longer for you to get to your gate. It may be a good idea for you to take an early morning flight when the traffic is lighter there too if you can get one.

It is a good idea to carry your medical history with you when you travel. This is even more important if you have ongoing health issues. Your medical history can help medical professionals that arent familiar with your needs assist you if you arent able to tell them. Make sure the medical history includes information regarding any medications you may be allergic to.

Oxygen tanks are a common item that elderly people need when they travel for the holidays. It can be difficult to carry all of them with you that you will need for the duration. Instead of just staying home though talk with the company that delivers your oxygen. Chances are they can arrange for you to get the additional tanks you need when you land at the airport. If you are driving then you will be able to have the oxygen tanks delivered to the hotel or the residence where you are staying.

It isnt a good idea to travel with several oxygen tanks in your vehicle. They can burst into flames if you are involved in a car accident. They are also very heavy and take up a great deal of space. Even if your oxygen tank provider doesnt cover the area where you are going for the holidays, they can put you in touch with another company that does.

Just because a person is older doesnt mean they dont enjoy traveling for the holidays. Take your time to make sure you cover all your basis. This will help to ensure you remain safe while you are traveling for the holidays. The better trip you have getting to your final destination the more you will enjoy your holiday season.


Word Count 671


Tips to make Holiday Travel Easier

The holidays can be quite hectic but they are often a time when people travel to see family and friends or to take a well deserved vacation. Following some basic tips will help ensure you have the best time when you travel during this time of year. Being prepared for things to go wrong is the first step in minimizing the damages and getting on with your holiday travel plans.

Make sure you have all of your tickets and confirmation numbers in a specific place. It is a good idea to make a copy of the information as well as the contact number for your tickets and place it in another location. This way if you lose the originals you will have all the necessary information to take care of it. You should call about a week before your travel dates to make sure your reservation is still active for all modes of transportation and your accommodations.

It is common for flights, trains, and buses to get delayed over the holidays due to security issues, weather, and trying to meet the needs of the volumes of people using such modes of transportation over the holidays. Make sure you have plenty of money, food, drinks, and necessities to get you through these delays. They can range from a couple of hours to a few days. If you will be traveling a long distance you should consider bringing along activities to pass the time, especially if you are traveling with children.

If you take prescription medications you need to make sure you have them clearly labeled. You may get questioned about them if they arent in the bottle you picked them up at from the pharmacy. It is a good idea to have a written note from your doctor regarding the medication as well. Makes sure you have enough of it for the entire trip including any delays that may occur.

Lost luggage is one of the biggest problems when people travel, and it compounds during the holidays because of how busy everyone is. While you really cant prevent your luggage from getting lost, you can do your best to make sure you have all you need in the mean time. Make sure each person traveling in your party has clothing in all of the suitcases instead of making one for each person. This way everyone will have a chance to have some items should a bag or two get lost in the shuffle.

Clearly identify your luggage so that you will be sure to get yours upon reaching your destination. Too many bags look the same and many people are in a hurry when they travel for the holidays. Place a colorful ribbon or colored tape on your bags if you carry the styles and colors that are very popular. If you travel often you should consider some unique looking luggage that will stand out.

Traveling during the holidays needs to be as smooth as possible to ensure you will enjoy your trip. By taking the time to follow these tips you can help make that happen. There are plenty of horror stories out there about people not being able to get to their destination for the holidays or they didnt have the items they needed upon arriving. Dont open the door for your holiday vacation to fit into this grim category.

Word Count 567
