Tag: Circumstances

Insuring Your Overseas Home

The number of UK residents how now have overseas homes is steadily on the increase. In some cases these overseas homes are for holiday purposes, such as with Spain, in other cases they’re bought for the purpose of spending at least part of the time of the owner’s retirement, such as with Cyprus. Either way, more often than not the British owner of the home would prefer not to have the overseas home insured by an offshore insurance provider, but rather by an insurance provider closer to home.

So, if you have an overseas home and would like a UK home insurance company to provide you with insurance, what can you expect to get,

Home Contents and Home Buildings Insurance

A number of providers of overseas home insurance policies have merged the home contents and home insurance policies to be an amalgamated overseas home insurance policy. This mega policy should cover you for both circumstances.

Public Liability Insurance

Should be a must, especially if you are considering renting the overseas home out for the part of the year that you are not there.

Lost Earnings

If you think that renting your overseas home about is going to be a major money spinner for you, you may well want to consider insuring yourself against any lost earnings. Basically, this insurance will reimburse you if your holiday tenants suddenly have to cancel.


As with mainland UK home insurance policies, you need to make sure you are protected against theft. All the usual precautions about invoicing your possession needs to be taken into consideration with your holiday home. Also, you need to check the excess deductibles carefully, as in most cases this can range from 50 – 200

Natural Disasters

As recent natural disaster such as the hurricanes, tsunami, and earth quakes have shown, certain geographical regions outside of the UK are more prone to natural disasters than the UK itself is. Consequently, you should make sure that your overseas home is adequately insured against this risk.

Insurance for your overseas home can be arranged cheaply over the internet, or else you can arrange to have the insurance provider by a specialist overseas home insurance company in your area. Do keep in mind that as this is effectively your second home, your home insurance premiums will be marginally higher than you may normally be expected to pay with the home you live in, especially if you are using the home in any way to generate income.


International Travel Insurance Don’t Leave Home Without It

Does this sound familiar, You’ve saved and saved for that perfect vacation you’ve always dreamt about. You’re in the travel agent’s office, you’ve just purchased your very expensive ticket and she’s saying that you should buy some international travel insurance too. You roll your eyes because you’re sure all this international travel insurance business is nonsense and she’s just trying to get some more of your money. You say no thanks. While on your vacation, you crash your car and get hurt. Guess what, You’ve got to foot all the expenses yourself and because you didn’t want to get international travel insurance.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, international travel insurance is a must have if you intend to travel out of your own country. Since you’re not familiar, right about now you’re probably asking what international travel insurance is. Simply put, it is a temporary insurance policy which you buy before you leave on your trip. Typically, coverage lasts the full duration of your trip but, depending on who you’re insured with, your international travel insurance can be extended for up to 12 months.

A lot of people couldn’t be bothered with the added expense but there is always the small possibility that something can happen. A good international travel insurance policy will provide three things: good coverage at a reasonable price, readily available emergency assistance and efficient claims processing. It should also cover most circumstances. Your international travel insurance isn’t adequate if it doesn’t cover medical expenses, medical evacuation, travel cancellation and deferment costs, loss of luggage, rental vehicle expenses, death expenses, personal liability and legal expenses.

There is most often a need for international travel health insurance, to cover medical expenses. This can include hospital stays, medication and doctor’s fees. However, international travel health insurance is a godsend in more critical situations as it also covers ambulance services and emergency-related travel expenses, which is especially important in third world countries where supplies are limited and you may need to be transported to another country.

While you may not think that the cost of such international travel health insurance coverage is justified for a short, weekend trip, if you’re going to be hiking through malaria infested forests over those two days, you might want to think again. Use your discretion. It’s much better to be prepared for a possible emergency than to fall ill or get injured and not have any international travel health insurance coverage.


Why Use a Hiking Staff and Certain Points to Consider

Why Use a Hiking Staff and Certain Points to Consider When Buying One

Well you dont actually have to rely on a hiking staff throughout your hiking tour but you can see the value of one when you need it most.

Hiking staffs were not meant to be actually used like those of the walking staffs. You probably have seen hikers holding long, sturdy sticks on their hands. While at first sight you might observe that they were quite uncomfortable with the staffs since they are more like burdens than help, you will see that the hiking staffs help a lot to ease the leg work.

Hiking staffs, in the long run, would help save you a great deal of energy. This is because a staff acts like another leg that will share your weight.

If you haven’t placed your confidence on hiking staffs yet, it would be best to remember that even ancient people and other notable recent personalities were known to using sticks for support. Even the late President Roosevelt himself noted for us to carry a big stick. Walking sticks, as you might think, assist people with certain walking handicaps. This might not be your exact picture of how to use a hiking staff but just the same, it helps a lot when you want some sturdy additional support.

Apart from supporting your balance, a hiking staff is also helpful in giving you an advanced feel of the surrounding. For example, you can use your hiking staff to measure the depth of the stream without actually getting your feet or arms soaked in it. You can also push vegetation aside when you dont want to remove them by hands.

Using a hiking staff or two has a lot of benefits for you. It might even save your life from an unwanted creature in the forest or from a fall. You’ll never know what awaits you during the hike, even expert hikers know this very well. Thus, it is but crucial that you bring something with you that is so versatile that it can even save you from life-threatening circumstances.

If you are considering of buying a hiking staff, it is best that you know some important things. Well, you can always rely on the good supply from the trail but you will never know what you might be getting. Thus it is best that you bring your own hiking staff. This would not only equip you with one readily but would also help you save a lot of time searching for a good stick.

There are numerous stores from where you could buy a hiking staff. From online vendors to fancy stores, merchants are ready to sell you what stock they have and even allow you to order what they do not have.

The choice of hiking staff is really up to you. There are virtually hundreds of options that you might look into.

The general rule of thumb in choosing one is to get the right height and weight of the stick. Always buy a hiking staff that is 6″ higher than your elbow. This will give you enough length to use in quite a lot of purposes. It will also provide you with studier hold on the staff and a firmer grounding on a downhill trek. The weight however must be the most comfortable for you. The manufacturers normally produce hiking staffs that are just perfect for every type of hiker.
